Grounds Care


aerating and dethatching


Aeration is the process of removing small amounts of soil to increase the flow of nutrients, air and water to the roots of the grass. This increases the health of your grass giving it a much thicker appearance.

Recommended: Late spring, early fall


Dethatching is the process of removing excess lawn thatch to increase air and water supply to the roots of the grass. This will lead to a much healthier looking lawn.

Recommended: Late spring, early fall


fertilizing and over-seeding


Fertilization gives the lawn all the appropriate nutrients it needs to promote health and growth. 

Recommended: Early spring, summer, fall


Overseeding is the process of spreading lawn seed over a tired lawn to promote grass growth, giving you a much thicker lawn.

Recommended: Late Spring

lawn rolling.jpg

Grass cutting+ lawn rolling

Grass Cutting:

We have all the appropriate machines that will cut the grass precisely based on the time of year, also changing patterns of the mowing bi-weekly.

Recommended: Weekly

Lawn Rolling:

Lawn rolling helps remove imperfections in the lawn, giving it a nice even finish. It also helps drive nutrients into the soil and is recommended after fertilizing.

Recommended: Late spring, early fall

Cams Contracting, Fence Contractors, Woodstock, ON